Wednesday Night League



  • $70 league fee payable at meeting night or first week of golf league. Pays for prizes and pizza party
  • $20 skins: $2/week for the entire year.
  • $10 for the birdie game


  • First two weeks will be handicap setting weeks for all new players. We will have handicaps for the front nine and back nine. Returning players will have last year's handicaps carried over
  • Turn in official scorecard with all 4 scores after round to the box in the clubhouse
  • Each team will be assigned an A and a B player
  • The A players from each team will play against the other A players
  • The B players from each team will play against the other B players
  • Each match will be 9 hole match each week
  • When you show up each week you be given a scorecard with your names and the team you are playing along with each persons' associated handicap


  • Each Match will be worth 20 points
  • 2 points will be given for each hole.
    • The winning player will receive 2 points and the losing player will receive 0 per hole.
    • If the players tie on a hole, each player will be awarded 1 point for that hole.
  • 2 points will be given for each match.
    • The winning player will receive 2 points and the losing player will receive 0.
    • If the players tie the match, each player will be awarded 1 point.
  • If player A1 has a handicap of 4 and player A2 has a handicap of 9, Players A1 owes player A2 1 stroke on the top 5 hardest holes determined by hole handicap


Players 60+ of age will play from white tees. Rest of league plays from Blue Each teams A and B player will tee off each hole. Each team will decide between their drive which was the best and move their ball to the best drive. Each player will then play their own ball from that point in for a total score on the hole. Give-me putts are allowed as decided between the two teams playing. This helps to keep play moving. Rule of thumb is any putt shorter than the length of the putter to the bottom of the putter grip. However, typically teams determine give-me lengths throughout the round.

Max Strokes Per Hole (pick up ball after max strokes)
  • Par 3: 6 strokes
  • Par 4: 8 Strokes
  • Par 5: 9 Strokes


  1. There will be a total teams point competition that will continue through the whole season
  2. Two-and-Out Tournament
    • We will play 9 weeks of round robin matchups to determine 2 flights
    • Once flights are determined, each flight will play in a two-and-out tournament. This will be in an in-season and will be concurrent with the normal competition
  3. Birdie Game. This is a competition where the players who participate will try to birdie every hole on the golf throughout the year. This will follow the same rules as skins, where handicap will be included, except on Par 3's


  • Skins cost $2/week
  • First half of season due at meeting night or first week of golf. Second half to be collected in weeks 8 and 9
  • Players who participate, scores on each hole with handicaps will be recorded and compared. Person with lowest score on a hole over all other participants wins the skin. Limit (1) stroke per hole for handicap and no handicap strokes on par 3's
  • Partners cannot cancel out your skin
  • Skins will be handed out the following week, handicaps will be updated, and standings posted


If it is raining please refer to the league website, watch for an email, or call the course to find out if league is cancelled. You will play the team you were supposed to the following week that we play the same nine. For example if you were supposed to play Team X on the front nine during the rain out night you will play Team X the following week that we play the front nine again. A decision on whether to play that night will be made by 5:00. If we get to the course and rain starts we will wait 30 minutes to determine whether to continue play or cancel the evening. If all teams finish five holes or rain starts after 7:15. That week will count. Skins do not count on shortened weeks due to rain.

Time and Fees Rule

If the team you are playing is not there by 6:00 go ahead and start golf play, when they show up they will meet you on the course, mark the holes they missed with an (N/A).If you show up after 6pm, you get one more than the person you playing on your missed your holes, and you lose the hole. Please mark the holes that were missed and play the holes you did miss for handicap purposes.

After week 2 if you have not paid the course or your league fees your team will be deducted 2 points, and will double in points for each week thereafter.